Saturday 13 April 2013

It is now time for another post

Hi! It's been way too long since I last wrote, and to be honest, I haven't really been good at taking care of myself. I have recently started to go to the gym again and trying to get into shape for the summer. Since I don't live in Australia anymore I guess there is really no point for me to keep writing in English. So I will now make the switch and have a feel if that feels better.

Så, nu kör vi på svenska igen. Har som sagt börjat träna igen, men det går segt, måste fortsätta pusha mig själv. Nu när jag sitter ganska sent på kvällarna och jobbar har det blivit mycket svårare att hinna med att träna efter jobbet, så det gäller att komma upp på morgonen. De gånger jag gjort det känns det riktigt bra. Tänkte berätta lite vad vi gör nu. Vi bygger hemsidor åt företag, och tjänsten har vi mycket smart kallat för Hemsida Företag. Smart va? Vi funderar på att lansera flera tjänster. Det är mycket småföretag framförallt som vill ut på webben men som inte kan lägga 60-70 tusen kronor på en hemsida och då har vi tagit fram den här tjänsten. Det blir helt egna sidor, men kostar inte fullt lika mycket då vi jobbar med mallar och ramverk för att kunna göra jobbet snabbare. Vi gör även helt skräddarsydda jobb också, men då blir det ett helt annat pris. Det handlar alltid om hur många timmar som behöver läggas ner för att få jobbet gjort. En liten vebod kostar inte mycket att snickra ihop, men om man vill bo i ett slott så tar det längre tid att bygga och därför kostar det mycket mer. Delvis. Sen handlar det ju också om material ;)

Ska försöka skriva mer, men det här bloggen togs ju mest fram för att hålla kolla på min träningsregim i Australien, men framförallt min diet jag gjorde i samband med att vi skulle åka hem efter 5 år. Hade lagt på mig en del. Vi hörs snart! Hej!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Almost one and half years later

Sorry again for not keeping up with the blog. Truth to be told, I suffered my way through those 3 horrible months of no almost no food and then binge eating on the weekends. Not a super great concept. I never ended up looking ripped. My body fat was too high. Around 15 % after the three months. However, I did manage to loose around 8 kgs in three months.

Now I am down to 74 kg. When I started this blog I was 87 kg. So that is ok. Although most of the weight I have lost after is due to lack of time for food and working too much, and having a hard time putting time and money on food. A good way I have found out lately and I am currently trying is something we in Sweden call a matkasse. It is food in grocery bags delivered at your door step once a week. I have been doing it for about 2 months now, and I am really enjoying it. Hopefully it will keep me fit and healthy going forward. I am going to pick up training regurarly again so I will need the extra energy. To everyone who have tried this diet, I will say as I said before. Loosing weight is simple. Just keep track of your calorie intake and also keep track of how much calories you burn. Stay on the right, healthy side of that and you will start to loose weight, slowly and correctly. Theres is actually another grocery bag company in Sweden that specializes in just that. It's called GI-boxen and they deliver good, healthy food according to the GI method. Haven't tried it yet, but it seems to work for others.

I'll be back with more soon.


Monday 11 April 2011

Still going strong with the Slow Carb Diet... not really, but still loosing weight!

Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates once again. I haven't had time at all. Yes, I know, you shouldn't blog if you don't have the time. But I do anyways, because it is my blog and I can do what I want.. mine, mine, mine!!

So it has been more than month since my last post. But I can tell you that I have kept going and it is going great. I stopped the slow carb diet around and month ago and just started controlling my calorie intake. Still not eating fruit and milk products, and I am only eating very small quantities of carbs 3 times a week, on the days I have heavy weight sessions at the gym. Before I ate the carbs I was loosing too much in my lifts and was feeling tired, but with just a little bit of carbs, mostly brown rice and vita weet crisp bread I feel much better.

I have actually started loosing more weight when I got off the slow carb diet. It's really only about the calorie intake and eating a lot of proteins.

Remember how I told you I did 100 kg max in the bench press before going on the diet. I never thought I would be able to do it.

Here are my results so far.

I have lost roughly 8% of my body weight. I know weigh 79.8 kg, I started on 87 kg so that it is a 7.2 kg loss. In 2.5 months that's quite good. I have lost 9 cm around my waist, from 96cm to 87 cm. That is awesome and you can now clearly see a difference from my chest and waist. Now to the bench press. So I am weighing 8% less, but two days ago I tried a max lift and did 2 times on 100 kg. That is fantastic!

I am stilling going strong for another 3 weeks. I can tell you that by limiting the calories and doing good sessions at the gym together with good cardio sessions you will loose weight. No questions about it.

Hope you are all doing well as well. If the slow carb diet isn't working don't just quit. Mix it up with some other stuff. Try your own ideas. I can tell you that although I really like Tim Ferriss, some of the stuff is bs. The data is twisted and not completely honest. But hey, what do you expect, it is not like he was going to write a bestseller by saying he had accomplished mediocrity.

Peace out!

Friday 4 March 2011

Still going strong

Sorry for the lack of updates. Have not been able lately to take the time to write.

Things are moving along well though. Will try to snap some pictures. I have lowered my calorie intake substantially. Due to low thyroid activity I am not eating more than 1500 calories a day. It is quite easy to count. Just google the food you eating plus calorie count.

I measured my waist which was 96 cm (at the bellybutton) at the start of diet. It is now after 4 weeks, coming up to 5, 90 cm. So I have lost 6 cm on the abdominal section. That is very good news.

I was afraid I was loosing too much muscle so I will do body fat measurement next week. Only down 4 kgs but the abs reduction is a good sign that it actually is fat and not muscle I am loosing. Will wait and see what the calipers have to say.

If you're doing the diet and feel it's not going fast enough don't give up. Make some changes, but keep going. You have to be thick skinned and really fight. Don't cheat and keep at it and you will most definitely see results. Pics coming soon.

Monday 21 February 2011

Updated pictures in My measurements

Hi everyone!

I have successfully finished another week on Slow Carb Diet. It's definitely working, but it is not going as fast as was hoping for. I am going to do it for 3 months to start with, so I'm not stressed. I just have to keep at it.

Will update the measurements soon too. Check the "My Measurements..." page.

All the best,

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Measurement update

R bi 33 cm
L bi 32 cm
Waist 94 cm
Hip 102 cm
R leg 61 cm
L leg 60 cm
R calf 39 cm
L calf 38 cm

Improvements!!! Maybe because it is hard to measure correctly but I have tried my hardest to be honest. Hopefully it is correct.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Pics after week two - one day after cheat day

I don't know if maybe you can see some differences. I think there is a slight change. But then again pics are hard because I can pull in my stomach or push it out. I try to stand the same every time.