Monday, 31 January 2011

MX SYDNEY proofs it

So here is the proof of how bad my body is at the start of his journey. MX Sydney is free newspaper, that contains little news, but more gossip and fashion. It is not quality literature by any means, but it serves it purpose here as proof of date for our little experiment. You can click the images to get them in large format where you should easily be able to read out the date on the front of the paper. At least on the close picture just above. 
The last pictures were taken one day before the SCD started, and these ones, we I'm wearing my orange swimmers are from today, close to the end of the first day. 

This is how this day went.

5:10 AM. Alarm rang. Felt quite tired and not at all ready for the challenge. Pushed myself out of bed and downed two eggs and Protein shake (Whey Protein Concentrate with 78% protein. Roughly 30 grams per serving). 

5:40 AM. Arrived at the gym and to my surprise it was packed. Aerobics classes, boxing classes you name it. There's something not quite right here in the Northern Beaches, Sydney. I was quite surprised as I was quite sure I would be the only idiot there in the morning. Completely wrong. Lots of idiots around. One bike was free. Jumped on it and had maybe 5 mins of warm-up at around 72 RPM. Then I started my session. I have chosen on purpose to start quite slow to ease my body into this cardio regime. But I am attempting something close to HIIT. I have the bike on 10 out of 20 resistance and cycly 45 secs at around 72 RPM and then gun it for 15 secs, up to around 155 RPM. So, kind of like a sprint and then a jog. I do this 15 times. 

Why this type of cardio? It is over quicker, so you're not wasting precious (my precious...) time. Recent studies have shown that your burn calories and fat for up to 8 times longer than if I would have done a normal jog-cycle for 40 mins. This way I can almost be burning the whole day. That is the theory at least. I will only cycle the first week, but slowly increase the sprinting time and decrease the jog/rest. 

Actually had a banana after this training, but have decided to only have bananas after really hard weight training. All accordning to Tim's 4HB.

6:35 AM. Back home. Packed up and went to work. 

9:40 AM. Had second breakfast. Pinto beans and lentils together with spinach leafs, roast beef and some taco sauce. Not the best tasting thing in the world, but I managed. 

12:30 PM. Lunch. My Thai place cooks whatever I asked them to. So I have gotten them to do a Thai Chili Basil Chicken, with extra chicken, extra vegetables, no sugar and no rice. Also less oil. I took it back to my office and poured on a can of lentils. Let me say that it was ok, but not more. Sugar seems to do a lot to Thai food. But it was far better than the breakfast.

3:30 PM. Next WPC protein shake.

6:00 PM. Back at the gym for Triceps and Abs. Quick session. Had another protein shake before training. Why before? Because recent studies has shown that you get more out of it then. Reference? I will dig it up.
After the session that contained 3 triceps and 5 abs exercises I had another banana. 

During the whole day I have probably had around 3 liters of pure water.

I am still waiting for dinner since I mis-read the instructions and the pork roast is going to take around 2 hours to get ready. Not good! But what can you do. I am going to have that with sauerkraut, and "fake potato mash" made from cauliflower and canellini beans. Hopefully it's good.

I know this was a long post. Sorry. Still waiting for my vitamins that were supposed to arrive today. Hopefully tomorrow. I am keen to add that into the mix.

Next post. Numbers of me before...

Over and out!

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